Monday, July 6, 2015

Wake up!!!

The ONE percenters are playing world domination. They set this whole game up ages ago they hold all the cards make all the rules.

"They Print worthless paper, loan the paper out charge interest. Get rich buy Congress pass laws to benefit yourself, hide your money in Switzerland. Crash the markets ger richer, start a war get richer. Buy up all the media to convince the people to look the other way while you continue to shit on their heads and destroy their dreams."
What's happening in Greece is a MAFIA move pure and simple, they want to bailout the greek bankers for making bad loans so they can repay themselves by forcing the country to raise the retirement age, raise taxes destroy their unions, make severe sacrifices. Theres nothing greece can do but suffer.

What a game.

But wait the chess master will have the last laugh.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Of all creation, a Woman is the most beautiful, loving, and destructive force God has created.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's always something.

Saturday is not a good day. I had to pay $100 to get my van towed to a mechanic. I know i made the mechanic happy, he was smiling from ear to ear. I guess I'm doing my part of keeping the economy strong. I wish i could do with out two vehicles, but with a family of six it's hard. It's a inconvenience having to wait around to take me to work and pick me up from work.